About Us
Overall Philosophy:
- As individuals, we need to develop ourselves continually and learn better ways of managing ourselves. We are "resources" that need to be continually developed.
- The better our tools and resources, the better equipped we are to handle whatever comes our way.
- Technology is a great enabler and can significantly empower you enabling you to achieve your personal, business and organization goals
- Team work is important as it allows everyone to contribute their strengths. We need to learn to focus on what we are good at and walk in co-dependence with others.
About Sylvester and The ITRD Team:
Since 1989, I have worn several "hats" and have had the opportunity of serving as a technology champion, consultant, problem-solver and resource person - to name a few. Through this experience, I have had the opportunity to understand technology-related needs and how to creatively find solutions and answers. This experience has been obtained in several scenarios ranging from private consulting to working in a number of businesses including a non-profit organization, a manufacturing company, a multi-national company and a university. Tasks and projects have ranged widely from designing custom Microsoft Access databases to re-designing manual systems to setting up multiple websites.
I work closely with a team of professionals, from different countries who are specialists in various areas. Together we have been able to assist many clients. We offer a comprehensive range of services that will help establish your business / organization. It is this experience that we would like to make available for your direct benefit.
If you think we could be of assistance in anyway, please feel free to contact us. We would be happy to provide advice and a quote.
The ITRD Team